Friday, March 1, 2013

Bumpy Roads

Already done the third week, huh? Well I think I'm pretty much on track. My page is created, I'm at a whopping 102 friends and have received 10 compliments. Unfortunately, most of these have been from the gifted class, but the help is much appreciated :)

          No advertisements have been sent out seeing as I've not yet hit week 4. I love one of the ideas of creating a Facebook advertisement and am going to attempt to pull one together. Seeing as no one really knows it exists yet, the progress I've made was sort of surprising. Of those 97 friends I mentioned earlier, 39 were requested, one of which was denied considering it was a student's grandmother.

       Some problems I've met...

1) If someone isn't friends with the account, they can't see the post so some can't be posted-- probably should've anticipated this...

2) Some "compliments" are jokes between friends. If the joke isn't clearly something kind between the people, I can't post it. The whole point is to try and counteract cyber-bullying without lecturing my peers on a subject we all have beaten to its death. If a post is borderline "complimentary," I'm forced to decide if it's appropriate

3) Keeping this as a "secret identity" is a whole a lot harder then I suspected. Some people that have messaged me have asked who I am. I respond by explaining that I am trying to stay anonymous, except of course for this class.

Going from that, I have to ask you a favor. Please try and protect this project. If I'm not anonymous to the people outside of this class, the page will not be as beneficial. Please do your best to keep the fact the I am Wissahickon Compliments in the class. Thank you!

     Some problems I'm going to meet...

1) By advertising in school, I'm realizing it may give people a weird feeling of Wissahickon compliments being a school issued page...which in a way I guess it is. Either way, I'm thinking of making the advertisements more virtual by putting it through Facebook and if they are ineffective sending it out to direct people.

2) Participation from upper class-men. Who knows if they're going to be into this page?

3)  People might get annoyed with me flooding their newfeeds with compliments about people they may not even know. The first post received over 20 likes and the more that were posted the more the responses to them went down. I need to figure out how to prevent people from getting bored.

Anticipating these situations might let me ignore them but whatcha gonna do? I'm obviously going to face some issues no matter how I try to prevent them.

After all that what do you need to know? Well... I'm satisfied with my progress.



  1. So far, I think your project has been going well. I have noticed that overwhelmingly, the posts are from gifted kids. Are you yourself planning to post compliments about people? That might kick-start others from outside our class to start posting. The idea is that there's a chain, right? So get other people involved in the chain, and it'll spread by itself.

    My personal experience is that seeing compliments about people I don't know is nice. I like to see the posts pop up and know that people are willing to be so nice to each other. I think you should try to space them out a little, though. Right now you just log in, post five or six in a row, and log out until the next time. It'd be nice if there wasn't just a deluge of posts each time. Try to do maybe one or two each day, or wait a while between posts. That's just a small complaint, though. Good job overall!

  2. Chloe, I really like the course that you have taken with this project. The fact that you have created the page already turned out to be a really good thing because you've still got a lot of problems to solve over the next couple weeks. To make this Facebook page as successful as possible, I think you should attempt to solve most of these problems before advertising. One suggestion I have is, after accepting a friend request from someone, you can send a "rules and guidelines" type message to their inbox, so they know what your expecting. When it comes time to advertise, I'm sure you'll be able to get people on board. I agree that it might be a good idea to avoid in school advertising, because most kids would automatically think it's lame. Digital advertising is the way to go. Good luck with your project!

  3. Wow since your blog post, things sure do seem to have changed. There are so many posts on your page now! I think that one interesting direction that you could take is analyzing where the different compliments come from. Like are they all from one person to a bunch of others, or a group of people complimenting each other (anonymous of course). I think that advertising your page is definitely really important, and I think that facebook sponsored ads might be a pretty cool route to take.
    Just wondering, are you ever going to reveal who sent what compliments? And will you continue the page after the project is over?
    Awesome project, and it seems to be really taking off!
